About Nick Farco
Nick grew up in the Northeast United States and relocated to the Greater Houston Area from Brooklyn, New York in 2015. Circumstances involving his immediate family led to this unforeseen life change after they had started to move to Texas from the New York Tri-State Area.
While balancing the commitments of his most recent positions as an educator at the university, high school, and junior high levels, an acting instructor for professional and college audition prep, and a teaching artist for influential institutions in the American Theatre, he has also established a performing career at reputable and diverse theaters along with some invaluable experience on-camera and in voiceover. His experience as a working actor originally based in New York City took him to Los Angeles and numerous other cities around the country.
BFA in Acting-Ithaca College, MFA in Acting-Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts

What's Happening?
Thank you to Alley Theatre for having me as the Male Understudy for all 3 male roles in Dial M For Murder this past summer and for the privilege of briefly assisting with the development of the upcoming world of renowned playwright Anna Ziegler's incredible new play entitled "The Janeiad"
Congratulations to several of my former students from Theatre Under the Stars and other individual students I coached as they are graduating from college programs like U of Michigan, Carnegie Melon, UNCSA, Montclair, Webster, U of Arizona, CalArts, and The Hartt School to name a few. I continue to coach privately for actors looking to audition for college performance degree programs and several of my students are gearing up to submit their pre-screens